5. Juni 2021

Was wir heute gelernt haben

Wir haben neue Wörter schreiben gelernt : die Kasse, der Regenschirm, derStiefel, das Geld, der Gürtel, der Schal, der Handschuh, die Kappe, die Brille.

Wir haben auch wiederholt :

  1. Zahlen : eins, zwei, drei,….
  2. Körperteile: Arm, Kopf, Bein……
  3. Formen : Dreieck, Viereck, Kreis….
  4. Tiere : Giraffe, Fisch, Pinguin, Kamel, Eichhörnchen…….
  5. Farben : rot , gelb, grün, blau, rot……


Finde eine Feder und bringe sie zum Sommerfest.

Nächste Woche Sommerfest: ziehe etwas weisses an, bringe eine Feder oder einen Stift und einen Schreibblock.

Note to Parents:

This was last official class, I will be available on Tuesday from 18:00to 19:00 as usual. Next Saturday Sommerfest at 10:00. I ask Students to wear white and bring a feather and a bloc. Certain Students will receive an email with. a sentence they have to show during the Sommerfest; we are representing the profession of book authors ! Thanks for your collaboration.

I sent you a separate email with suggestions for the summer and the link to the treasury hunt.

Report cards will be sent this week. Unless I have already contacted you , when you register your child for next year you should register for Grade 3. Do not hesitate to call be if you have any questions.

I have no details yet for the distribution of the prize for the first place in the film contest, I will inform you as soon as I know more. We will hopefully be showing the 3 min movie as part of the Sommerfest.


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