29. Mai 2021

Was wir heute gelernt haben:

Wir haben heute Adjektive gelernt und die Zahlen bis 20 wiederholt. Dabei haben wir viele Rätsel gelöst.

Wieviele Hände haben 4 Schüler ?

Wieviele Beine haben 4 Tische ?

Es ist rot. Es ist Obst. Es schmeckt lecker. Was ist das ?

Wieviele Hände haben zehn Kürbisse?


DAZ #3 Seite 26, 27, 30, 32,33; am Dienstag bringt blaue Arbeitsmappe

Note to Parents:

3 more classes (June 1, June 5, June 8) and then it will be Sommerfest on June 11th. We will be working mainly with the little yellow DAZ#3 and the orange and blue portfolios.

I will be sending a questionnaire to parents to find out what worked well for you and what did not work as well to improve next years on-line class, as it has been confirmed that we will start the school year again on-line and hopefully switch back to in class during the school year.

In Preparation for Sommerfest , I might have to ask you to print something the students can show at the screen when it is time for grade 2 to present. I will provide details next Saturday.

Also I developed an application for the students to download on a tablet or a phone for a treasury hunt around Pink Lake in the Gatineau Park that you can use whenever you feel like it throughout the summer or fall. I will explain this next Saturday to the students and sent you an instruction sheet. Hope this will help you to keep up with German over the summer months and kids will have fun.

Report cards will be sent the weekend of June 11th.

2021 is the school’s 50th anniversery and we are looking for Parents to help organize an event to celebrate this; let me know if you are interested.

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