4. Juni 2022

Heute haben wir eine Wetterstatistik erstellet und darüber geredet ob wir viele Sonnen- oder Regentage hatten. Wer hatte am meisten Sonntage ? Wer hatte am wenigsten Schneetage ?. Die Uhr auf der Rückseite des Wetterheftes macht ihr bitte zu Hause.

Keine Hausaufgaben

Note to parents : This was the last on-line class. There will be no sessions Wednesday, as I have an other commitment. we will meet on June 11th in person at 10:30 at the Martin Luther church Smyth road. Students are to bring their Lapbook and Wetterheft and anything else they wan to show me. If there is still activities in the Activity bag that are unopened, please do the at home , if you need help I am available to provide additional instructions. Looking forward to see you all on the 11th . Let me know if you can not make it. Other wise see you at the Sommerfest on the 18th June.

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