27. November 2021

Was wir heute gelernt haben

Heute haben wir über Jahreszeiten und Monate geredet und das Lied „Es war eine Mutter die hatte vier Kinder“ bearbeitet.


In der Arbeitsmappe die Arbeitsblätter : AB 15, 18, 20. Für den Nächsten Samstag ein rohes Ei, eine Gabel und 2 Esslöffel Speiseöl mitbringen.

Note to Parents

Next Saturday I would like to make cupcake with the students. They have the cup and all the dry ingredients in their Activity bag , and we will take them out and use them together next Saturday , but I would need you to provide 1 egg (not cooked) , 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and a fork. Kids will also need access to a Microwave during class. Thanks for your collaboration.

On Wednesday we will be closing of the revision of all the German special sounds and complete the first section of the Arbeitsmappe. If for some reason your child missed out on one it might be a good idea during holiday vacation to complete the missing sheets as for the remaining of year we will assume that the students recognize thee sounds.

Heads up Nikolaus will join the class on December 11th and the school’s Christmas party will be on December 18th.

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