20. Februar 2021

Heute haben wir gelernt:

  1. Wortschatz : Die Familie

die Mutter (Mama), der Vater (Papa), der Bruder, die Schwester, die Eltern, die Geschwister, die Oma, der Opa, die Eltern, die Grosseltern.

2. Grammatik: mein – meine

mein – dein – meinmeine -deine – eine
Vater , Papa (Father)Mutter, Mama (Mother)
Bruder (Brother)Schwester (sister)
Opa, Grossvater (Gramdpa)Oma, Grossmutter (Grandma)
Onkel (uncle)Eltern (Parents)
Geschwister (syblings)
Grosseltern (Grandparents)
Tante (aunt)

Wer hat zwei Brüder ? Ich habe zwei Brüder.

Hast du Geschwister ? Ja, ich habe einen Bruder und eine Schwester.

Wir alt ist deine Schwester ? Meine Schwester ist zehn.

Wir heisst dein Bruder ? Mein Bruder heisst Peter.


1. Arbeitsblätter : Fam3 – mache den Stammbaum deiner Familie
2. Im DAZ #2 34, 35,36

Note to Parents

Kinderkino today at 17:00, you should have received an Emil from GLS with instructions on how to connect.

Next practice sessions Tuesday February 23th at usual times, would be great if the students would have their homework item #1 ready so they can present their families.

Next class Saturday February 27th at 9:15

I am preparing a new pick up with material for the rest of the school year sometime mid March , stay tuned for exact date. 2 pick up locations, worked out well the last time: Loblaws parking lot corner Vanier/McArthur and behind Mountain Equipment COOP parking lot. Detail will follow shortly.

Upcoming: April will be reading month and we will be putting emphasis on reading with special actives and a lot of prizes.

Hope you’ll enjoy the snow and the nice weather……

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